Adopt Events Clinic

Emergency Medical Fund

Unfortunately we have seen an increase in animals that come to us that require emergency medical care. 

Please help us help them.

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We recently rescued Wanda from the euthanasia list at a local municipal shelter. Her nails were horribly overgrown, she had double ear infections, horrible dental care, and sadly had a few masses. She is estimated to be about 12 years old and is mostly deaf. We took in Wanda, where she quickly got the care she needed. After bloodwork, an extensive dental, sedated ear cleanings, multiple medicated baths, and much more, she is finally feeling better. But this is just the beginning of her care. Wanda will be on multiple medications for now until she heals up and will receive continuous baths to help with the urine scald and staining.

This was a pricey treatment for us, but all worth it! Please donate to our Emergency Medical Fund to replenish our costs so we can keep helping Wanda, and continue saving more animals like this sweet girl!



Cerebellar Hypoplasia

Moon is a Frenchie puppy who has Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH). This little guy is only 6 months old and around 10 pounds. CH is a neurological condition that affects the ability to move normally due to an incompletely developed cerebellum. Moon wobbles when he walks and occasionally falls over; and he has unfortunately even had a few seizures. Watch his video here. There is no cure for CH, but affected dogs can still live long and happy lives. Moon is still a very sweet and affectionate puppy. He’s thankfully in a loving foster home, and our medical team is doing more testing to ensure Moon is getting the best care possible.

Please donate to our Emergency Medical Fund, so we can continue testing and monitoring on Moon until he finds his forever home!

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Cherub, Bohemia & Dominick

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

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Cherub, Bohemia & Dominick are three kittens, all seven to eight months old, currently in our care and being treated for FIP. FIP is a viral infection that is progressive and, until recently, fatal for cats. There is no proven cure yet, but supportive treatments such as an anti-viral medication have shown to extend longevity and improve the cat’s quality of life. Luckily these kitties are showing signs of improvement and resilience!

Please consider donating to our Emergency Medical Fund so we can continue caring for Cherub, Bohemia, Dominick and any other animals that come our way with this chronic illness.

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Double Cherry Eye


Herman is a one-year-old pup we rescued from a local municipal shelter upon discovering he had double cherry eye, and was in desperate need of care. Cherry Eye is known scientifically as a prolapse of the third eyelid gland. We are optimistic that with surgery, Herman will go on to live a long, happy and healthy life (just like a dog, Wallace, that we took in last summer with the same ailment!). We kindly request your support in covering the expenses of Wallace’s surgeries and medications by making a donation today. Your generosity will help us ensure a brighter future for Herman and give him a chance at a fulfilling life.

Update – Herman underwent his surgery for both eyes, and it was successful! He has since been adopted to a loving home, and we couldn’t be happier for him!

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CC Belle


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We just recently took in this Labrador retriever from a local over-crowded shelter, and she’s in need of some serious medical attention. CC Belle is approximately ten years old and has a baseball-sized mass on her side. It will need to be assessed and treated by our Veterinarian, and she will also be needing a full dental. We want to make sure CC Belle is in the best health she can be in and in the best position for, hopefully, a quick adoption so please consider donating to her care!

Update – the mass has been successfully removed, CC is in good health (see her before & after photos) and has been adopted! Please continue donating to support our Clinic and allow us to continue these life-saving operations.

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Hit By A Car


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This is Chloe. She was hit by a car and is in need of surgery! She has multiple pelvic fractures and is currently at East End Animal Hospital being kept comfortable until her surgery. Chloe is only 9 months old and has a long life ahead of her, but not without your help! Please consider donating to our Emergency Medical Fund to help cover the expenses of her surgery and recovery period.

Update – Thanks to the generosity of you all, we raised enough to cover the costs of Chloe’s surgery! She happily recovered in a loving foster home, and has since been adopted!

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German shepherd


Hit By A Car


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In early January, a dog was brought to us in really bad shape. He had been hit by a car, abandoned by his family, and sustained several pelvic fractures. Thanks to the generous contributions made to our Emergency Medical Fund, we helped nurse this sweet shepherd back to health and he has yearned for a forever home throughout the time he has been with us.

At SASF we are all about second chances and new beginnings, so we have named him Neo, which means new beginnings.

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Margaret Sick



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Margaret was brought to SASF when she was a kitten along with her sister Elizabeth. They were found scared and hungry behind a local deli. Margaret is now only 3 years old and as you can clearly see, this condition has recognizably taken a toll on her. She was diagnosed with this condition a year ago and has been suffering for far too long. This painful disease has caused Margaret to stop grooming herself, drool excessively and have difficulty eating.

Update – Margaret has received extensive dental procedures, and is doing much better…longing for her forever home! Check out her transformative Before and After!

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Tan dog in grass




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Ladybug has 2 chronic health issues that need lifelong medication – Hypoadrenocortisism (Addison’s Disease) and protein in her urine caused by chronic kidney disease. She is currently receiving an injection (Percorten) once a month and pill (Prednisone) daily for Addison’s. She also is receiving another pill (Benazepril) daily for kidney disease. She will need frequent follow up diagnostics including bloodwork and urinalysis about every 4-6 months as needed at a veterinary facility.

Update a generous donor has stepped up and has paid for her medical care for the first year of her adoption!

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Russell came to SASF as a kitten and has grown up at the shelter. He is now 9 years old, making him one of our longest residents! It was recently discovered that Russell has developed, and suffering from, stomatitis. His best chance at getting relief is having all his teeth extracted. Russell’s mouth is severely inflamed, and he has trouble eating. He is losing weight and sometimes hides because of the amount of pain he is in. Our hopes are that once he is feeling better, he will have a chance at being adopted into a loving home to receive the love he deserves.

Update – Russell received much needed dental work thanks to the support and generosity of our donors, and we are happy to say he has found his forever home in September, 2023 after nearly nine years in the shelter!

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Brindle dog suffering from cherry eye


Double Cherry Eye


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Wallace was just a 10-month-old puppy when we rescued him from NY ACC upon discovering he had double cherry eye, and was in desperate need of care. Thanks to donations made to our Emergency Medical Fund, Wallace underwent double-eye surgery to correct this condition, and continued to receive follow-up care and attention from our Clinic and specialists.

Update – Wallace went for a second round of eye surgery and recuperated comfortably in a loving foster home. It turned out to be a foster fail, and we are so happy to say that this sweet pup has found his forever home!


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Eugene was transferred to us on 12/17/22 from a shelter in Texas at just six months old.  He was noted to be limping on his right and left front legs on his intake exam (12/19/22).The limp on his right front leg has resolved ,but he is still limping on his left front leg. Eugene had radiographs (x-rays) of both front legs taken on 1/16/2023 and no obvious abnormalities nor previous trauma was noted. Eugene has been on medication and restricted activity (short leash walks only). There are many causes of limping in large breed growing puppies; some which fully resolve and need no further treatment and others which may require additional intervention.


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